Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Securing your most important life elements

Dror Bukai
Securing your most important life elements

 of bioLock, shared on LinkedIn an article about recent theft of 2 million passwords. Take a look ... http://www.bankinfosecurity.com/2-million-passwords-reportedly-stolen-a-6266
I wrote a post and commented on the article to be shared with you, who is not connected with me on LinkedIn.

There will be times when biometrics will be interleaved with our daily life in a way that is not noticeably intrusive and helpful in identifying and authenticating us. We will participate. Some will stay hostile until they, themselves will pay the price of using weak authentication technology. Alternatively, they might wait longer in lines until surrendering their biometric templates ... think of busy transportation systems such as airport passport control lines or ground mass transportation.

It is agreeable that a biometric template is not a replacement to a well constructed password in-and-of itself, however, a well constructed biometric solution, based not just on static templates could be a remedy to poorly constructed and managed passwords. Sadly enough, most passwords are poorly constructed and managed.

If biometrics is done properly, as an element in a large authentication schema, in the context of a specific application, uniqueness, accuracy, usability and revocation can be addressed.
I believe that technology advances and not behavioral changes will address security vulnerabilities.

In the meanwhile, here is a piece of advice:
Be cognizant of secure use of passwords: 
  • Don't don't don't reuse !!! 
    • Work and social network passwords should not be the same! 
    • Financial services e.g. banks and social networks should not intermix as well. 
  • Develop your own system of password renewal and stick to it. 
  • Create strong passwords of as many characters as practical, based on private knowledge with no dictionary correlation. Yes, Momof3gr8k!ds is not secure, it's in the basic hackers passwords dictionary and will take seconds to compromise!
Please feel free to contact me for clarifications and assistance in any authentication project r topic.

VoiSafe, Making Log-in Safer, Faster & Easier

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